June 2024
We hope everyone has a restful and relaxing summer! We encourage all of you to participate in Surrey Public Library's Summer Reading Challenge! Thank you for all your support this year. Here are some fun stats to wrap up this great school year:

January 2024
Happy New Year from Edgewood Elementary LLC! The school year is moving at a whirlwind pace and we are already half way through another wonderful year. We want to share some Library Statistics for the mid-year point this school year and want to thank everyone for their support. Keep reading Edgewood!

Stats as of January 26, 2024
November & December 2023
During November and December, we have been reading the Surrey Schools’ Narrative Nonfiction Book of the Year Nominees. Narrative non-fiction (NNF) is a true story that has been told in the form of a narrative. This means that the information found within the text is factual and informative, while the style is entertaining and descriptive. All of our grade 2 & 3 students will vote on their favourite NNF Book of the Year and their votes will be combined with votes from the entire Surrey School District before the end of the school year.

Some NNF books read in the LLC
September & October 2023
In the Library Learning Commons (LLC), we have been reading various Indigenous Stories since September. “Be a Good Ancestor” taught students to consider the ways in which they live in connection to the world around them and to think deeply about their behaviours. “The Eagle Feather” taught students to be kind, courageous, and honest.
To commemorate our Indigenous lessons and stories, every student in grades 1, 2, and 3 have written on an eagle feather how they will be a good ancestor this year. We have created the wings of an eagle with every feather, and they are now displayed in front of the LLC. We encourage parents to come by the LLC to take a picture of your child in front of our eagle wings. “Find the eagle in yourself and others and you can soar above darkness, into the light.”
A special huy tseep q'u (thank you) to the student volunteers who helped to put the wings together.

Books read in the LLC